Saturday, July 18, 2015



I am thankful that I have been chosen to join this journey that Greg is on, that I get to love Greg for who he at the moment that he is in. It is not easy to live with someone who has dementia, but I consider it a blessing from God. I believe God chose me, because it is not a "job" that everyone could handle. 
Can I handle it? Well yes, I believe I can, but only because I have the One who can help me by my side every step of the way. And for that I am thankful. Yes there are days where I want to give up in frustration, where I want to run into the bathroom and cry  and there are days that  I do. Why the bathroom, because that is the only place in the house where I have privacy. 
But then I have days like today. Today is one of those days when I am exceptionally thankful. today was a good day, our wonderful daughter in law Bobbi took Greg to the farm., the farm is where Bobbi's dad Wayne lives. About once a week Bobbi goes to the farm to visit her dad, she will usually call and ask if Greg wants to go along with her and Walter. The farm is where Greg can remembers and is happy and at home. Greg remembers the farm, because he spent his summers growing up helping his Uncle Roger at the farm in Rock Rapids. Greg can relate to the farm and loves to go help Wayne with the cows and whatever else needs to be done. It's a place where he and Walter can run, ride the four wheelers, feed the cows and whatever else they find to do, it's a way for Greg and Walter to spend time together and Greg can teach Walter the things that he remembers.  
Today was house cleaning day, with Trevor's help I cleaned, washed clothes and got a lot of things done that needs to get done that I haven't had the time to do. Yes I do occasionally go to the farm with them,  but I think that's it good for Greg to have some freedom and I don't have to worry about him. 

I am also thankful for Mercy Church and the friends that God has placed in my life, friends that are still at Mercy Church and those who have moved on to the things that God has called them to do and my girlfriends, past and present co-workers.  God placed these people in my life. They are people who are always ready with a listening ear, a helping hand, a phone call a bouquet of flowers  and words of wisdom. 

And what would I do withouour five sons, Trevor, Nich, Elliott, Bryce and Kiefer. Always willing to lend a listening ear, give me words of advise, to track Greg via the computer and his telephone as Greg is out bike riding, to go pick their dad up after he's gotten lost or to help find him or to do whatever I need them to do. 
No this is not the journey that I would have chosen for us. But God knew what he was doing when He set Greg and I on this journey, before either one of us was even thought of or born But I am forever grateful that I get to to go on this journey with Greg and that I have the wonderful support that I do to help us on this journey. 

Jeremiah 29:11   For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.