Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Baby Steps

Baby Steps-----small, manageable movements forward. Baby steps are my friends.
Why do we take backward steps when we should be taking baby steps forward? Progress is made step by step by step by doing the little things.
God is teaching me that taking baby steps is better than taking no steps at all.
July 23rd Greg went for a "short half hour bike ride", which turned into 7 hours. He was found by the police after I filed a missing persons report. He ended up losing his cell phone, not knowing where he had lost it other that in "the grass in a yard". Hence we had to get him a new phone and are unable to track the new phone as it is not a smart phone.
August 3rd I had a flat tire on the truck,  Greg got upset, while helping me change the tire. He ended up storming off and taking the Weston for a walk. I ended up calling Kiefer to help. August 11th Greg lost his cell phone, he thought at the park when he had walked Weston. Off to the park we went, back home where Greg proceeded to start looking in the garage. I found the phone in the house in the recliner, went out to tell Greg and he was gone, jumped in the pick up to find him walking the neighborhood retracing his earlier route.
Through all of these instances God keeps telling me to take baby steps, no giant steps but baby steps. Baby steps are good things, when we were babies and first learned to walk we did't take big,  humongous steps, we took baby steps. I confiscated the tires off of both of Greg's bikes. I will give the tire back eventially so he can go riding again, but this time it will be with some one. I didn't take the joy of riding away from him I just adjusted how and when he will go riding.
I know that Greg's behavior is not something that I can change but how I react to the behavior is a baby step that I can take. I means that I have to learn patience and how to control my behavior/temper. Greg losing his cell phone is some thing that I can not change, it will continue so I ahve now ordered a watch that can be used to  "track his movements" and he can also call selected phone numbers and it has an emergency SOS button on it. Another baby step.
Slowly these baby steps will become bigger steps but that will take time, or manybe the baby steps will become crawling instead.
All I know is that I am thankful that God is showing me to take baby steps and that He gives me the strength to fight these battles. And that He will continue to be with me through every step.
32 God gives me strength for the battle.
He keeps my way secure.
33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer.
He causes me to stand on the highest places.
34 He trains my hands to fight every battle.
My arms can bend a bow of bronze.
35 Lord, you are like a shield that keeps me safe.
Your strong right hand keeps me going.

                         Psalm 18:32-35 (NIRV)

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