Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Son's Perspective (written by Kiefer)

As many of you know this is my mother’s  blog. But a few weeks ago she asked me if I would write one for her. I told her I would think about it, as I didn't know what to say. I still don't. But I thought I would give it a try.
Living with a father that will one day forget who you are is the hardest thing I have had to face. Which coming from me is saying something. I have had to face many hard things in my short 21 years. Such as not knowing family members, seeing family members die too young and being taken from your family without a say.  There is nothing more terrifying than knowing your dad will not remember you one day. But even more painful than that, is knowing my future kids will not know him the way I will remember him.
Some people say you need to trust God and know that he has a plan. Which is very hard for me to do, as I do believe there is a God but he is not the one everyone thinks he is.
I guess the easiest way to deal with something like this is to find inner peace. As humans we want everything to go perfectly but that will never happen. So the best thing to do is enjoy the moments you have with someone, the good and the bad. And always remember that people will come and go from you life. But memories are forever. As far as the future kids go, I'm going to do my best to be how my father was with me. Always there and always making sure they have everything they need. If they ask about their grandpa, I will spare no detail and tell them how great of a man he was. He dad is my hero and I am scared to find out what life without him will be like.

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